Debugging Artifacts

2018-5-9 12:31

Often when tracing issues I need some visual feedback, and often it’s

weird and interesting.

A first one, hope to follow up on this.


Flatten triangles, took days!

rooftop grid

first test import from QGIS to blender.. looks good !

On a related note, in order to compute radiation on the whole region’s roof

surface, we need to carry out circa 8244586116744 operations, mainly

intersection between points on roof-sun line and other buildings. This is


Projected kilometers away and back.

les toits de Bruxelles typologisés.

3D has to start somewhere

This one, few lines, many days.

Une dalle complete d’URBIS3d, question performances ce n’est pas encore

super au point. Mais ca laisse songeur

Avec une tentative de profondeur

Qui se stabilise un peu.

Et de perspective, et j’arrete la

Et ça en 10 lignes…

La carte de l’ombre en terrasse n’a qu’à bien se tenir pour la rentrée!

Pierre Huyghebaert ✆ +32 495 90 56 32

Speculoos · Rue Van Elewyckstraat, 47 · 1050 Brussels ☏ +32 2 646 30 79 ·

BE 0470 966 276 · · · ·

On Tue, 17 Jul 2018 at 10:49, Pierre Marchand


Une dalle complete d’URBIS3d, question performances ce n’est pas encore

super au point. Mais ca laisse songeur

Les premiers artefacts d’une re-ecriture

I guess my matrix skills are yet to improve

And it does!

With the same style format as built for spatial-e/sdi/whatever



    ”kind”: “continuous”,

    ”propName”: “gid”,

    ”intervals”: [


            ”low”: 0,

            ”high”: 1754158,

            ”strokeColor”: “#8b8d91”,

            ”fillColor”: “#f9f6e0”,

            ”strokeWidth”: 0.6



            ”low”: 1754158,

            ”high”: 1754172,

            ”strokeColor”: “#fc5f05”,

            ”fillColor”: “#fcfc05”,

            ”strokeWidth”: 1.2



            ”low”: 1754172,

            ”high”: 99999999,

            ”strokeColor”: “#f9f6e0”,

            ”fillColor”: “#8b8d91”,

            ”strokeWidth”: 0.6





We end up with a speculation of 3d cartography.

and with multiple layers

getting closer

Totally something else, progessive loading in cartostation.

The picture is debugging extents from following viewport changes.

Offshore wind!

Et hop! du rendu carto.

circles made of straight lines, almost there

galère de niveau de zoom en écrivant des styles pour mapnik

des logos sncb qui ressemblent à des autocollants décollés depuis des

fruits, et recollés sur la Belgique

opening a qgis project from another computer - and its surprise rectangles